More > Groups
You can assign app users to account groups for sending group messages, or assigning notices to specific groups of people.
Depending on your profile access model, you may be required to approve new users before they can access content.
Create a group
Click Add New to create a new group.
Delete a group
Hover your mouse over a group and click delete.
Add a user to a group
Click Add New to create a new group, or select an existing group.
To add app accounts to a group, click Add Accounts. Start typing a name, phone number or email address. If an app account matching your search criteria exists, you can select it from the drop-down list. Click Save to add users to the group.
Remove a user from a group
Select an existing group, hover your mouse over the name of the app user that you want to remove, and click 'remove'.
You can use the Custom Permissions feature on any Notice or Event to restrict your posts to a specific Account Group.