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Form Calculations

Using calculations to create order forms.

James Sweeney avatar
Written by James Sweeney
Updated over a week ago

Calculations can be used to create order forms, such as: canteen or uniform orders.
The calculation option can be located under the advanced section of an applicable field, by clicking the calculator icon and then the three dots.

For this example, we've got a basic canteen order form containing various 'checkboxes' and a total cost 'number field'. See below:

To create an order form you will need to assign a seperate value to each option.
Take a look at our 'Snacks' checkbox field for example:

Here, we have selected the 'Use Seperate Values' checkbox and we have entered our custom value into the field under each of our options. We've also adjusted the options themselves to reflect the price. We will do this for all of our order options.

Next we will need to edit our 'Number Field' that we have named 'Total Cost' (Remember to make this field 'Read Only'):

Ensure the 'Math' option is selected and set the decimal places to 2.
Next we will click on each of our order fields in the list below, remembering to include a '+' between each to signify that we want to add these values.
That's it, now we have a functioning order form. It should look something like this:

It's also possible to link your form to a payment platform such as Stripe or PayPal to process payments. If this is something you're interested in, please get in touch with our support via phone, email or live-chat so that we can guide you in the right direction.

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